Head Start
Carter County Headstart
Carter County Head Start is a comprehensive early childhood program for low-income children and their families. Providing children with a learning environment which will help them develop socially, intellectually, physically, and emotionally in an age appropriate manner is the primary goal of the program. Children must be 4 years old by August 15, to register for Head Start. Applications will also be accepted for 3 year olds on a "space available" basis. When registering a child, it his helpful to bring the following information: birth certificate, social security card, and immunizations records. PreK requires proof of annual income. ( For any family experiencing homeless, migrant/immigrant, and/or an English Learner, you may provide a birth certificate and social security card; however, they are not required to enroll the student.)
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year will begin March 01, 2024. Please use this link for Head Start and Pre-K registration for the upcoming school year.
Or use the 2024-2025 QR code below for registration.