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Homebound Services

Application Process

Application Process

The parent is responsible for the completion and submission of the homebound application to the board of education office. Parents should not expect the physician to send the application from his/her office. All sections of the homebound form must be completed before a decision regarding homebound will be made. Upon receipt of all required documentation, a determination will be made regarding the student’s eligibility for homebound services. Decisions regarding a student’s eligibility for homebound services are made at the Carter County Board of Education office. 

The medical documentation section must be completed and signed by the appropriately licensed specialist (i.e. M.D., Pediatric M.D., OB/GYN M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon M.D., Psychiatrist, etc.). Applications signed by physician’s assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners, chiropractors, etc. will not be accepted. Students who are seeking homebound services for emotional or psychological disorders (bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, phobias, etc.) must have the form completed by a licensed clinical psychologist, neurologist, or psychiatrist. Family physicians not licensed in treating psychological disorders may not be the doctor of record in these cases.


If a student’s condition requires homebound services for a period to exceed thirty (30) days, the parent is responsible for submitting a recertification form prior to the end of the initial homebound period. The recertification form must be obtained from the board of education office.


Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are responsible for following the regulations listed below:

1.      The parent/guardian (or other responsible adult authorized by parent/guardian) MUST be present in the home during the entire homebound instructional period.

2.      A regular program of study and preparation of lessons is required for each student. In addition to the instruction provided by the homebound teacher, the student will be expected to complete assignments on his/her own time. Assignments must be completed prior to the homebound teacher’s next scheduled visit.

3.      The homebound program adheres to the school board policy on attendance.  Three absences (cancellation of homebound visits) will result in a review by the homebound director and may result in termination of homebound services.

4.      If a student’s condition requires homebound services for a period to exceed thirty (30) days, parent is responsible for submitting recertification form prior to the end of the initial homebound period. 

5.      A student may not be employed while receiving homebound services.

6.      A student who is receiving homebound services may not visit his/her school campus without prior authorization by the school principal.   Additionally, students assigned to homebound are not allowed to attend extracurricular activities such as school dances or sporting events unless specifically authorized by the principal of the student’s school. Attendance at such activities without prior written authorization may result in the student’s removal from the homebound program.

Board Policy

Contact Our Staff

Tiffany Jenkins

Special Education Director

Phone:  423-547-4013 

Fax: 423-547-4039
