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Special Education

Department Information

The Special Education Department of the Carter County School System serves students ages 3-21 years of age who meet a two prong criteria for services. First, a student must meet criteria for one or more disabilities. These disabilities include the following: developmental delay, blind/visual impairment, deaf/hearing impairments, autistic, intellectually gifted, intellectually delayed, multi-disabilities, physical impairments, emotional disturbance, speech/language impairment, specific learning disabilities, traumatic brain injury, health impairments, or other functional delays. Additionally, if the student meets criteria for one or more disabilities, the student must also be in need of special education intervention in order to progress in his/her educational program.  

Special education interventions are provided through a continuum of services ranging from least restrictive to most restrictive, depending upon the needs of the individual student. Consultation, resource services, speech/language services and physical/occupational therapy services are provided in all schools. More comprehensive services are provided for students in need of a smaller, more structured learning environment where a teacher can provide a more intensive approach to academics and/or behaviors. Comprehensive services are provided at the following schools:   

Happy Valley Elementary       Keenburg Elementary         

Hunter Elementary                    Valley Forge Elementary       

Hampton Elementary                Cloudland Elementary

Unaka Elementary                      Little Milligan Elementary 

Cloudland High School              Happy Valley High School     

Unaka High School                      Hampton High School             

Siam Learning Academy


Child Find is an ongoing effort of the Special Education department to locate children ages 3-21 who have a disability or are intellectually gifted and are not enrolled in a school program.

Contact Our Staff


Tiffany Jenkins

Tiffany Jenkins

Director of Special Education

Phone: 423-547-4000


April Howard

Program Coordinator

Phone: 423-547-2937



Laura Jarrett

Early Childhood Coordinator

Assistive Technology Coordinator 




Amy McKinney





Ellen Hurd

School Psychologist




Michelle Lovelace





Barbara Marek

Behavior Specialist

